Despite recent updates to the Injective Protocol (INJ) chain, selling pressure on the token remains high, leaving investors searching for alternative opportunities. As INJ struggles to...
In the world of meme coins, a fierce battle is brewing between two giants—Pepe Coin (PEPE) and the new contender Mpeppe (MPEPE). While PEPE has seen...
Bitcoin (BTC) is at a crucial level after a sharp 15% retrace from recent local highs. While traders and enthusiasts speculate about the causes of this...
Early Friday morning saw the movement of some previously dormant Cardano (ADA) coins. This was accompanied by a spike in the coin’s daily active addresses, signaling...
As we venture further into 2024, the world of cryptocurrency continues to be dominated by meme coins, which have not only captivated the imagination of investors...
The crypto market has lost $160 billion in a week as the market cap plunges to $1.98 trillion from $2.14 trillion. Leading cryptocurrencies Bitcoin and Ethereum...
As the cryptocurrency market braces for a volatile week, three tokens—Artificial Superintelligence Alliance (FET), Sui (SUI), and Mpeppe (MPEPE)—are capturing the attention of analysts and investors...
This week is filled with key developments across various crypto ecosystems, including Polygon and Binance, which are expected to impact the market in different ways. Additionally,...
As the cryptocurrency market continues to evolve, savvy investors are always on the lookout for the next big opportunity. In 2024, three standout projects—Mpeppe (MPEPE), PlayDoge...
Bitcoin historically tends to have a tough time during the month of September, as quite often it delivers negative returns to traders. Despite the gloomy trend,...