FARTCOIN has seen significant price action recently, fueled by its 67% rally over the past three days. This surge follows a correction that occurred after the...
Peanut the Squirrel (PNUT), a new meme coin on the Solana blockchain, has experienced an astonishing 2,000% increase in price within a week. Since its recent...
DBS Bank to launch OTC crypto options trading linked to BTC and ETH in Q4 2024. Clients can hedge against volatility through options and structured notes....
A recent post by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on X (formerly Twitter) has sparked significant backlash from pro-XRP lawyer Fred Rispoli. The SEC...
The digital asset investment landscape witnessed a significant upsurge as inflows into investment products totaled $2 billion last week. Bitcoin (BTC) led the flows with a...