Genre-defining launch of a play-to-earn mobile MMORPG that blends strategy, adventure, and cutting-edge technology, powered by GPS, AR, AI, and blockchain planned for this year For...
Mythical Games and FIFA have revealed plans for FIFA Rivals, an officially licensed mobile football game. The free-to-play title will launch on iOS and Android in...
Mpeppe (MPEPE), a rising competitor to Solana (SOL), has recently doubled down on its mobile gaming developments, creating significant excitement in the crypto world. Known for...
The world of meme coins continues to evolve, with projects like Shiba Inu (SHIB) and Mpeppe (MPEPE) adding exciting new functionalities to their ecosystems. While Dogecoin...
Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Networks (DePin) are transforming the tech landscape by enabling decentralized projects in real-world infrastructure. Here’s what happened recently in the DePin sector:’s...