Several challenges are undermining Filecoin’s position as a leading project among Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Networks (DePIN). Despite notable price swings, with FIL reaching a yearly high...
Filecoins’ (FIL) price recently reached a multi-month low, which it is attempting to recover from. This will warrant support from its investors. Looking at the market...
Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Networks (DePin) are transforming the tech by enabling decentralized projects in real-world infrastructure. Here’s what happened recently in the DePin sector: Nuklai collaborated...
Filecoin’s (FIL) price had been forming lower lows for the better half of this month, finally halting the decline in the past week. While investors tend...
Filecoin (FIL) has seen its price slide from $6.13 to $4.35 in less than seven days. As of this writing, the altcoin trades at $4.46 after...
Despite closing near a weekly low, Filecoin (FIL) exhibits signs of recovery contrary to market sentiment. Trading at $5.38, FIL has lost 16.31% of its value...