Tether has announced it invested in the Series A round of the Academy of Digital Industries, an educational platform in Georgia. The ongoing financial investment will...
The impending enactment of the Korean Virtual Asset User Protection Act heralds a significant shift in regulatory oversight within South Korea’s digital asset landscape. This legislation...
A recent survey by Germany’s central bank, the Deutsche Bundesbank, reveals a surprising openness among Germans towards the digital euro, the European Central Bank’s (ECB) proposed...
DTCC and Financial Market Infrastructure (FMI) partners have come together to design a “blueprint” for the global digital asset ecosystem. Pushing for transition to the desired...
Marathon Digital, a Bitcoin mining firm, signed an $80 million agreement with Kenya’s Ministry of Energy and Petroleum to boost the country’s renewable energy infrastructure. Market...
The Velo and Solana Foundation has announced a partnership on a clearing house for Laos Digital Gold transactions. In an April 8 announcement, Velo disclosed a...
Bank of Israel has launched “Digital Shekel Challenge” to develop CBDC payment solutions. Participants of the challenge will access a prototype system to create innovative digital...