In an unprecedented development, a renowned XRP whale has again shifted significant amounts of XRP coins as the Ripple vs SEC lawsuit took a fresh direction. On-chain...
In a post on X, Jeremy Hogan, a pro-XRP lawyer, expressed skepticism about the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) achieving a definitive victory in its...
The U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to hear an appeal by Nvidia Corporation seeking to dismiss a securities fraud lawsuit alleging that the company misled investors...
Ricardo Salinas Pliego, the Chairman of the Salinas group and the third richest man in Mexico has strongly endorsed Bitcoin, advocating for investors to purchase the...
In a packed courtroom on June 7, 2024, Craig Steven Wright (CSW) faced a hearing to address potential injunctions and orders following his defeat in several...
Judge dismisses U.S. SEC’s case against Debt Box, orders SEC to pay $1.8 million in fees. The Ruling cites SEC’s bad faith conduct in obtaining asset...