A few weeks ago, the market faced an unexpected downturn that created widespread confusion. During this period, several cryptocurrencies, including Dogecoin (DOGE), saw sharp declines. DOGE’s...
Pavel Durov, Telegram’s co-founder and CEO, was reportedly arrested in France on Saturday, according to a local media outlet. France’s National Anti-Fraud Office detained the 39-year-old...
Cardano’s (ADA) price reclaimed $0.38 for the first time since August 2, which resulted from an 18% increase in the last seven days. Interestingly, this price...
BeInCrypto comprehensive Latam Crypto Roundup brings Latin America’s most important news and trends. With reporters in Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, and more, we cover the latest updates...
Crypto exchange Kraken claimed notable legal progress against the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) despite the court’s decision not to dismiss allegations that Kraken operated...
Like many altcoins in the market, Solana’s (SOL) price jumped in the last 24 hours. This is a positive development for the token, which has increased...
The Russian government is reportedly moving forward with plans to create national cryptocurrency exchanges, according to insider information from the local news outlet Kommersant. The report suggests...
In June, Binance Coin (BNB) shocked the crypto market by becoming the first of the top ten altcoins to reach a new all-time high (ATH). Interestingly,...
Polygon, the Ethereum Layer-2 network, announced that it has regained control of its Discord channel following a recent hack. Earlier today, the network reported that the...
Cardano’s much-anticipated Chang hard fork implementation has been rescheduled to September. The delay coincides with discussions involving Cardano founder Charles Hoskinson and a potential partnership with...