In a groundbreaking move, the enigmatic Shiba Inu project lead, Shytoshi Kusama, has confirmed his next destination: Mumbai, India. This announcement follows his electrifying appearance at...
The Terra Classic Foundation announced on X that the staking ratio for Terra Classic (LUNC) has surpassed 15%. Moreover, the amount of staked Terra Luna Classic...
LayerZero’s native token, ZRO, has seen a significant 40% price increase amidst a broader cryptocurrency market recovery. This unexpected surge has drawn attention from both investors...
The latest update from the Token Unlocks App has sent shockwaves across the dynamic world of cryptos. Notably, the prices of 6 altcoins brace for a...
The Ripple Labs-backed cryptocurrency, XRP, has again turned heads across the broader crypto market. On-chain data revealed that a whale has accumulated 30 million coins in...
The Shiba Inu meme coin has garnered significant optimism today, gaining over 10% against the backdrop of massive SHIB burn. As nearly 360 million coins were...
GameStop’s stock declined by over 3% last week, closing at $24.18 on Friday. This drop exacerbates the company’s recent losses, pushing the stock down more than...
Tron Network’s active user base has continued to grow, demonstrating resilience amidst market uncertainties. Tron Network Less Perplexed by Broad Market Uncertainties According to Ben Sizelove,...
Talks of an altcoin season have been put to rest after the total crypto market cap briefly slipped below $2 trillion. The decline resulted from a...
PancakeSwap, a major decentralized exchange, has unveiled plans to distribute over 2.4 million zkSync (ZK) tokens to its community. This significant airdrop comes at a sensitive...